swallow up

美 [ˈswɑːloʊ ʌp]英 [ˈswɒləʊ ʌp]
  • 吞没;吞并;淹没;兼并;用尽,耗光(金钱、资源)
swallow upswallow up

swallow up


  • 1
    PHRASAL VERB 吞并;侵吞;把…并入其中
    If one thing is swallowed up by another, it becomes part of the first thing and no longer has a separate identity of its own.

    During the 1980s monster publishing houses started to swallow up smaller companies.

    20 世纪 80 年代,一些出版巨头开始吞并一些较小的公司。

  • 2
    PHRASAL VERB 用尽,耗光(金钱、资源)
    If something swallows up money or resources, it uses them entirely while giving very little in return.

    A seven-day TV ad campaign could swallow up the best part of £50,000...

    7 天的电视广告宣传可能会耗费约 5 万英镑。

  • 3
    PHRASAL VERB 吞没;淹没
    If a person or thing is swallowed up by something, they disappear into it so that you cannot see them any more.

    He headed back towards the flea market and was quickly swallowed up in the crowd...



enclose or envelop completely, as if by swallowing
The huge waves swallowed the small boat and it sank shortly thereafter
Synonym: immerse swallow bury eat up


  1. During the 1980s monster publishing houses started to swallow up smaller companies .


  2. The greed with which large companies swallow up their smaller competitors


  3. A seven-day TV ad campaign could swallow up the best part of £ 50,000


  4. The Increase In travel cost swallow up our pay Increase


  5. There was no gaping dark hole that would swallow up bad people .


  6. A method should be devised by which neither side would swallow up the other .


  7. Gigantic companies like Google swallow up smaller ones .


  8. Which seemed to swallow up his sound advice .


  9. It is said that a black hole can swallow up all the objects around it such as stars .


  10. The expenses swallow up most of the profits .


  11. The tear will eventually swallow up the entire galaxy , possibly the universe .


  12. If you have three children , their after-school activities alone could swallow up a quarter of the household budget .


  13. However , neither should the mainland swallow up taiwan , nor should Taiwan swallow up the mainland .


  14. When it came it would swallow up all her prettiness and everything that had happened to her .


  15. It 's interesting how this trap , in which so many women are caught , does not seem to swallow up men .


  16. It is said that there was a dragon in the sky . The dragon wanted to swallow up the moon .


  17. First , it 's really old past the Red Giant phase , when stars balloon in size and swallow up planets in close orbits .


  18. Lucas is a lucky man , I keep telling this to Ella and swallow up the latter part of my speech .


  19. Why are you silent while the wicked swallow up those more righteous than themselves ?


  20. First , it 's really old - past the Red Giant phase , when stars balloon in size and swallow up planets in close orbits .


  21. The words of a wise man 's mouth are gracious ; but the lips of a fool will swallow up himself .


  22. They did all possible means , such as forged our signatures and so on , even swallow up or depreciation the real estate that belong to us .


  23. Or the meteorite that hit present day Arizona , 50000 years ago , and made a crater large enough to swallow up the entire city of San Francisco .


  24. Five billion years from now , the sun will become a hundred times bigger than it is now , and it will just swallow up the world , and it will be the end of MIT , of everything .


  25. This suggests that the δ′ phase particles are coarsened by licking up the transition interfacial layer before 16h reaging and swallow up each other after 16h reaging .


  26. When inequality of wealth once commences , in a community not constantly engaged in repairing by industry the injuries of fortune , its advances are gigantic ; the great masses of wealth swallow up the smaller .


  27. I am one of them that are peaceable and faithful in Israel : thou seekest to destroy a city and a mother in Israel : why wilt thou swallow up the inheritance of the LORD ?


  28. And find that the P2P platform which is constructed by using Agent can resolve some problems which are faced to P2P currently . Such as trash information , swallow up the bandwidth of networks , reducing the performances of computers , and so on .


  29. and quicksand that would swallow you up before you could even scream .


  30. I cursed her that the Green Atlantic water should swallow her up !
